
風神録(MOF)」(2011/10/13 (木) 15:00:03) の最新版変更点



*東方風神録カードリスト  総枚数229枚 目次 - 白 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_W){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_W){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_W){レア} - 青 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_U){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_U){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_U){レア} - 黒 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_B){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_B){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_B){レア} - 赤 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_R){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_R){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_R){レア} - 緑 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_G){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_G){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_G){レア} - 多色 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_M){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_M){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_M){レア} - アーティファクト - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_A){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_A){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_A){レア} - 土地 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_L){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_L){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_L){レア} *白 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_W) ***白・コモン [[庇護の山神/ Aegis Yamagami]] [[祖神/ Ancestral Kami]] [[厄祓い/ Break the Curse]] [[防衛の義務/ Duty of the Defense]] [[防衛する風祝/ Fefenser Kazehouri]] [[神風を呼ぶ風祝/ Godwindbirnger of Kazehouri]] [[豊作祈り/ Good Harvest Prayer]] [[清水湧かせ/ Kami Miracle of Kuzui]] [[災難を引きうける者/ Misfortune Collector]] [[信仰の力/ Power of Faith]] [[祀られし人間/ Prifessed Human]] [[神風を喚ぶ星の儀式/ The Ceremony of a Star Inviting Kamikaze]] [[戦の終焉/ The End of War]] [[戦神の神風/ Wargod's Kamikaze]] [[守矢の風/ Wind of Moriya]] [[守矢神社の風起こし/ Windbringer of Moriya's Shrin]] &anchor(#MOF_U_W) ***白・アンコモン [[太古の土着神/ Ancient Nativegod]] [[神祭「エクスパンデッド・オンバシラ」/ Expanded Noblepillar]] [[鉄輪使いの神/ Kami Handling Ironring]] [[葛井の清水/ Kuzui Clear Water]] [[神罰/ Punish]] [[準備「サモンタケミナカタ」/ Summon Takeminakata]] [[神徳を与える者/ Wargod of Divine favor Feeder]] [[神を崇める者/ Worshiper of Kami]] &anchor(#MOF_R_W) ***白・レア [[追い風の戦神/ Blessing Wargod]] [[祟り鎮め/ Curse Controler]] [[秘術「忘却の祭儀」/ Forgotten Ritual]] [[瑕疵無き要塞/ Fortress of Perfection]] [[神は恵みの雨を降らす/ Kami Brings Sweet Rainfall]] [[乾を創るもの、八坂神奈子/ Kanako Yasaka, Originater of Celestial]] [[信仰集めの巫女、博麗霊夢/ Reimu Hakurei, the Miko of Faithcollector]] [[古代王国の支配者/ Ruler of the Ancient Kingdom]] [[現人神、東風谷早苗/ Sanae Kotiya, Humanity Spirit]] *青 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_U) ***青・コモン [[滝道の突風/ Blast through the Road to Fall]] [[妖怪の山の情報伝達/ Communication in Misterious Mountain]] [[塞符「山神渡御」/ Cork Sign , Mountain God Procession]] [[滝を横切る群れ烏/ Crows Crossing Fall]] [[秋めく滝/ Fall of Fall]] [[風神の追い返し屋/ Fujin Repeler]] [[谷河童/ Gulchkappa]] [[光学「ハイドロカモフラージュ」/ Hydro Camouflage]] [[河童のエンジニア/ Kappa Engineer]] [[河童の工作/ Kappa Handicraft]] [[河童の邪魔者/ Kappa of Nuisance]] [[水符「河童のフラッシュフラッド」/ Kappa's Flush flood]] [[川底の河童/ Riverbed Kappa]] [[人見知りの警告者/ Shyness Cautioner]] [[山上を舞う鴉天狗/ Tengu flutting above mountain]] [[千里眼の天狗/ Tengu Seeing Great Distances]] &anchor(#MOF_U_U) ***青・アンコモン [[率直な盟友/ Candid Friend]] [[河童の教導者/ Instruction Kappa]] [[不可視の河童/ Invisible Kappa]] [[河童の川流し/ Kappa Riverflow]] [[水符「河童のポロロッカ」/ Kappa's Pororoca]] [[渓流の工具持ち/ Tooluser of Mountain Stream]] [[河童の水繰り/ Waterhandler Kappa]] [[訳知りの鴉天狗/ Well Informed Tengu]] &anchor(#MOF_R_U) ***青・レア [[手加減する鴉天狗/ Considering Karasu Tengu]] [[洪水「デリューヴィアルメア」/ Diluvialmere]] [[水符「河童の幻想大瀑布」/ Kappa's Fantasic Majorfall]] [[兵器の達人/ Master of Wepons]] [[新たなる支配者/ New Sovereign]] [[超妖怪弾頭、河城にとり/ Nitori Kawasiro, Super Youkai Warhead]] [[海を割る風祝/ Oceanbreaker]] [[河童「スピン・ザ・セファリックプレート」/ Spin the Cephalic Plate]] [[明日ハレの日、ケの昨日/ Tomorrow Will Be Special, Yesterday Was Not]] *黒 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_B) ***黒・コモン [[厄符「バッドフォーチュン」/ Bad Fortune]] [[疵符「ブロークンアミュレット」/ Broken Amulet]] [[コールドインフェルノ/ Cold Inferno]] [[まとわりつく災厄/ Crept Doom]] [[厄災降らせ/ Disasterseeder]] [[厄撒く神/ Doomsprinkler]] [[厄流し/ Exorcise]] [[河童の密告者/ Kappa Informer]] [[現人神の脅迫者/ Menacing Living God]] [[不幸の吸い取り/ Misfortune Absorb]] [[厄憑け/ Misfortune Attacher]] [[禍雛/ Misfortune Hina]] [[祟り神の罰/ Punishment of Curse God]] [[祟り神/ Scourge Noblespirit]] [[締め縄の侵略神/ Shimenawa Invador God]] [[荒ぶる祟り神/ Violent Kami of Curse]] &anchor(#MOF_U_B) ***黒・アンコモン [[人形供養/ A Doll Memorial Service]] [[厄神様のバイオリズム/ Biorhythm of Yakujin]] [[川底の流し雛/ Bottom of River Hina doll]] [[秘匿されし土着神/ Hidden Native Kami]] [[吸い寄せる者/ Misfortune Attracter]] [[創符「ペインフロー」/ Pain Flow]] [[侵略者の蛇神/ Predetor Kami]] [[神々の疵痕/ Scar of Gods]] &anchor(#MOF_R_B) ***黒・レア [[厄神様の通り道/ Dark Road]] [[運命のダークサイド/ Darkside of Destiny]] [[厄を集める者/ Doomcorector]] [[厄神、鍵山雛/ Hina Kagiyama, Noblesse Doomspirit]] [[恐怖の祟り神/ Kami of Curse Fearing]] [[悪霊「ミスフォーチュンズホイール」/ Misfortunes Wheel]] [[祟符「ミシャグジさま」/ Mishaguzi-Sama]] [[畏敬されし土着神/ Revered Native Kami]] [[天狗の暗躍者/ Tengu of Secret Maneuvers]] *赤 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_R) ***赤・コモン [[警報の白狼天狗/ Alarming White Wolf Tengu]] [[岐符「天の八衢」/ Crossroads of Heaven]] [[魔法使いの壊し屋/ Crusher of Witch]] [[滝の妖精/ Faerie of Fall]] [[疾風の一吹き/ Gale of Puff]] [[秋符「秋の空と乙女の心」/ Girl's Mind and an Autumn Sky]] [[隠匿する天狗/ Hiding Tengu]] [[神具「洩矢の鉄の輪」/ IronHoop of Moriya]] [[鴉天狗の神嫌い/ Kami Hates Karasu-Tengu]] [[鴉天狗/ Karasutengu]] [[俊敏な天狗/ Quick Tengu]] [[鴉天狗の速度/ Speed of Karasutengu]] [[風神「天狗颪」/ Tengu's Fall Wind]] [[天狗のかまいたち/ Tengu's KAMAITACHI]] [[つむじ風起こし/ Twister bringer]] [[吹き抜ける旋風/ Whirlwind Blowing]] &anchor(#MOF_U_R) ***赤・アンコモン [[偽りの屈服/ False Submission]] [[天狗の先導者/ Leader Tengu]] [[哨戒天狗/ Patrol Tengu]] [[退く警備兵/ Retreating Guard Soldier]] [[風神「二百十日」/ Storm Day]] [[紅葉団扇の暴風/ Storm of Maple Fan]] [[山の社会の天狗/ Tengu the Social of Mountain]] [[天魔の雷撃/ Thunderforce of Tenma]] &anchor(#MOF_R_R) ***赤・レア [[最も里に近い天狗、射命丸文/ Aya Shameimaru, Human Friendly Tengu]] [[中央神話の神力/ Force of Major Religion]] [[秘術「グレイソーマタージ」/ Graythaumaturgy]] [[「無双風神」/ Invincible Fujin]] [[狂いの落葉散らし/ Lunatic Fall]] [[登山の魔法使い、霧雨魔理沙/ Marisa Kirisame , the Mountaineer Witch]] [[土着神「宝永四年の赤蛙」/ Redfrog of Houei4]] [[「幻想風靡」/ Utopia Dominance]] [[風神の山守/ Wind God of Mountain Gurdian]] *緑 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_G) ***緑・コモン [[耕作/ Cultivate]] [[終焉招き/ Deathbringer]] [[落葉の秋神/ Fall god of fallen leaf]] [[薫る豊穣神/ Fragrant Kami]] [[ケロちゃん風雨に負けず/ Froggy Braves the Elements]] [[実らせの神/ Growing Kami]] [[穣り/ Harvest]] [[豊穣叶え/ Harvestgranter]] [[土着の蛙神/ Native Flog]] [[約束する豊穣神/ Promising Good Harvest God]] [[蛇神の加護/ Snake's Boon]] [[妖怪の山の自警団/ Vigilante in the Misterious Mountain]] [[蔓翳し/ Vinehanging]] [[神徳による収穫/ Virtue Harvest]] [[白狼天狗/ Whitewolf Tengu]] [[風神「風神木の葉隠れ」/ Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves]] &anchor(#MOF_U_G) ***緑・アンコモン [[アニミズム/ Animism]] [[予兆の妖精/ Faerie of Omen]] [[秋の終焉/ Falls End]] [[祟りの地の蛙神/ Flog God of Curced Ground]] [[地肥やし/ Groundfertilizer]] [[土着信仰の神/ Native Faith]] [[豊作「穀物神の約束」/ Promise of Grain NobleSpirit]] [[紅葉の象徴/ Symbol of autumn tint]] &anchor(#MOF_R_G) ***緑・レア [[秋の恵みの神/ Autumnbless Noblespirit]] [[神への信仰/ Faith for Kami]] [[山坂と湖の権化/ Incarnation of the Lake and the Hill]] [[地の稔りの神/ Kami of the Harvest of the Ground]] [[豊かさと稔りの象徴、穣子/ Minoriko, Symbol of Crop and Abundance]] [[豊符「オヲトシハーベスター」/ Owotoshi Harvester]] [[諏訪の蛇神/ Snake Kami of Suwa]] [[「諏訪大戦~土着神話vs中央神話」/ Suwa Greatwar]] [[坤を創るもの、洩矢諏訪子/ Suwako Moriya, Originater of Terrestrial]] *マルチカラー ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_M) ***マルチカラー・コモン [[土居の祟り神/ Curse of Bog Down]] [[風切る鴉天狗/ Galeburst Crow Tengu]] [[無垢な祟り神/ Innocent Scourge Noblespirit]] [[鉄器割りの神/ Ironwarebreaker Kami]] [[未踏の渓谷の河童/ Kappa in the Virgin Valley]] [[山川泳ぎの河童/ Kappa of Valley Swiming]] [[湖の分かち手/ Lake Spliter]] [[触られざる流し雛/ Untouchable Hina doll]] [[山守りの白狼/ Whitewolf of Mountain Gurdian]] [[神社守りの風乗り/ Windrider of Shrine Gurdian]] &anchor(#MOF_U_M) ***マルチカラー・アンコモン [[乾/ Celestial]] [[洪水「ウーズフラッディング」/ Flood, Ooze Flooding]] [[河童の修繕/ Kappa Tinker]] [[好戦的な神霊/ Martial Greatspirit]] [[奇跡「客星の明るすぎる夜」/ Night with Overly Bright Supernova]] [[錆び呼びの蛇神/ Snake God of Callong Rust]] [[塞符「天孫降臨」/ Spiritual Descendant]] [[河童「のびーるアーム」/ Stretch Arm]] [[坤/ Terrestrial]] [[祟り/ The Curse]] &anchor(#MOF_R_M) ***マルチカラー・レア [[妖怪の山の頭領/ Chief of Misterious Mountain]] [[滝の裏の見張り番/ Fallcovered Watcher]] [[悲運「大鐘婆の火」/ Fate , Old Lady Ohgane's Fire]] [[大いなる侵略神/ Greater Invador God]] [[下っ端哨戒天狗、犬走椛/ Momiji Inubashiri, Patrols and Guards]] [[豊作の約束/ Promise of Harvest]] [[秘術「一子相伝の弾幕」/ Secretly Inherited Bullets]] [[悲運の流し雛/ Shed Hina Doll of Misery]] [[寂しさと終焉の象徴、秋静葉/ Shizuha, Symbol of Lone and Demise]] [[土着神の頂点/ The Top of Native Kami]] [[漂溺「光り輝く水底のトラウマ」/ Trauma of Shining Underwater]] [[「風神様の神徳」/ Virtue of Wind God]] [[霊山に風が吹く/ Wind Blows to the Holy Mountain]] *アーティファクト ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_A) ***アーティファクト・コモン [[流れる雛人形/ Flowing Hina doll]] [[イリュージョンレーザー/ Illusion Laser]] [[風祝の紙垂付き棒/ Kazehouri's Shidestick]] [[穣の祭壇/ Minoriko's Altar]] [[七つの石と七つの木/ Seven Stones and Seven Trees]] [[鉄器の武具/ Weapon of Ironware]] &anchor(#MOF_U_A) ***アーティファクト・アンコモン 創符「流刑人形」/ Doll of Exile]] [[ホーミングアミュレット/ Homing Amulet]] [[光学迷彩スーツ/ Optical Camouflage Suit]] [[天狗下駄/ Tengu Geta]] [[天狗の羽団扇/ Tengu's Featherfun]] &anchor(#MOF_R_A) ***アーティファクト・レア [[河童の動力機/ Kappa's Fluctuator]] [[お化けキューカンバー/ Monster Cucumber]] *土地 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_L) ***土地・コモン [[御柱の墓場/ Grave of Being]] [[豊穣の地/ Ground of the Great Harvest]] [[麓の神社/ Shrine of the Mountain Roots]] [[未踏の渓谷/ Virgin Valley]] [[天狗の山の林地/ Woodland of Tengu's Mountain]] &anchor(#MOF_U_L) ***土地・アンコモン [[要塞の山/ Fortress Mountain]] [[山林の神社の本殿/ Honden of Shrine in the Woodland]] [[河童の棲み処/ Kappa's Lair]] [[雛流しの河底/ Riverbed Sinking Hina Doll]] [[守矢の神社/ Shrine of the Moriya]] &anchor(#MOF_R_L) ***土地・レア [[水眼の如き美しき源泉/ Beautiful Spring like Suiga River]] [[風神の湖/ Fujin Lake]] [[妖怪の山/ Misterious Mountain]] [[妖怪の山の麓/ Roots of the Misterious Mountain]] [[山腹の神社/ Shrine on the Mountainside]] [[神々が恋した幻想郷/ The Gensokyo The Gods Loved]] [[妖怪の樹海/ Woodland of Oriental Demons]] [[厄神様の谷川/ Yakujin's Mountain Stream]] ----
*東方風神録カードリスト  総枚数229枚 目次 - 白 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_W){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_W){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_W){レア} - 青 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_U){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_U){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_U){レア} - 黒 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_B){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_B){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_B){レア} - 赤 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_R){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_R){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_R){レア} - 緑 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_G){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_G){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_G){レア} - 多色 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_M){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_M){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_M){レア} - アーティファクト - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_A){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_A){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_A){レア} - 土地 - &link_anchor(#MOF_C_L){コモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_U_L){アンコモン}/&link_anchor(#MOF_R_L){レア} *白 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_W) ***白・コモン [[庇護の山神/ Aegis Yamagami]] [[祖神/ Ancestral Kami]] [[厄祓い/ Break the Curse]] [[防衛の義務/ Duty of the Defense]] [[防衛する風祝/ Fefenser Kazehouri]] [[神風を呼ぶ風祝/ Godwindbirnger of Kazehouri]] [[豊作祈り/ Good Harvest Prayer]] [[清水湧かせ/ Kami Miracle of Kuzui]] [[災難を引きうける者/ Misfortune Collector]] [[信仰の力/ Power of Faith]] [[祀られし人間/ Prifessed Human]] [[神風を喚ぶ星の儀式/ The Ceremony of a Star Inviting Kamikaze]] [[戦の終焉/ The End of War]] [[戦神の神風/ Wargod's Kamikaze]] [[守矢の風/ Wind of Moriya]] [[守矢神社の風起こし/ Windbringer of Moriya's Shrin]] &anchor(#MOF_U_W) ***白・アンコモン [[太古の土着神/ Ancient Nativegod]] [[神祭「エクスパンデッド・オンバシラ」/ Expanded Noblepillar]] [[鉄輪使いの神/ Kami Handling Ironring]] [[葛井の清水/ Kuzui Clear Water]] [[神罰/ Punish]] [[準備「サモンタケミナカタ」/ Summon Takeminakata]] [[神徳を与える者/ Wargod of Divine favor Feeder]] [[神を崇める者/ Worshiper of Kami]] &anchor(#MOF_R_W) ***白・レア [[追い風の戦神/ Blessing Wargod]] [[祟り鎮め/ Curse Controler]] [[秘術「忘却の祭儀」/ Forgotten Ritual]] [[瑕疵無き要塞/ Fortress of Perfection]] [[神は恵みの雨を降らす/ Kami Brings Sweet Rainfall]] [[乾を創るもの、八坂神奈子/ Kanako Yasaka, Originater of Celestial]] [[信仰集めの巫女、博麗霊夢/ Reimu Hakurei, the Miko of Faithcollector]] [[古代王国の支配者/ Ruler of the Ancient Kingdom]] [[現人神、東風谷早苗/ Sanae Kotiya, Humanity Spirit]] *青 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_U) ***青・コモン [[滝道の突風/ Blast through the Road to Fall]] [[妖怪の山の情報伝達/ Communication in Misterious Mountain]] [[塞符「山神渡御」/ Cork Sign , Mountain God Procession]] [[滝を横切る群れ烏/ Crows Crossing Fall]] [[秋めく滝/ Fall of Fall]] [[風神の追い返し屋/ Fujin Repeler]] [[谷河童/ Gulchkappa]] [[光学「ハイドロカモフラージュ」/ Hydro Camouflage]] [[河童のエンジニア/ Kappa Engineer]] [[河童の工作/ Kappa Handicraft]] [[河童の邪魔者/ Kappa of Nuisance]] [[水符「河童のフラッシュフラッド」/ Kappa's Flush flood]] [[川底の河童/ Riverbed Kappa]] [[人見知りの警告者/ Shyness Cautioner]] [[山上を舞う鴉天狗/ Tengu flutting above mountain]] [[千里眼の天狗/ Tengu Seeing Great Distances]] &anchor(#MOF_U_U) ***青・アンコモン [[率直な盟友/ Candid Friend]] [[河童の教導者/ Instruction Kappa]] [[不可視の河童/ Invisible Kappa]] [[河童の川流し/ Kappa Riverflow]] [[水符「河童のポロロッカ」/ Kappa's Pororoca]] [[渓流の工具持ち/ Tooluser of Mountain Stream]] [[河童の水繰り/ Waterhandler Kappa]] [[訳知りの鴉天狗/ Well Informed Tengu]] &anchor(#MOF_R_U) ***青・レア [[手加減する鴉天狗/ Considering Karasu Tengu]] [[洪水「デリューヴィアルメア」/ Diluvialmere]] [[水符「河童の幻想大瀑布」/ Kappa's Fantasic Majorfall]] [[兵器の達人/ Master of Wepons]] [[新たなる支配者/ New Sovereign]] [[超妖怪弾頭、河城にとり/ Nitori Kawasiro, Super Youkai Warhead]] [[海を割る風祝/ Oceanbreaker]] [[河童「スピン・ザ・セファリックプレート」/ Spin the Cephalic Plate]] [[明日ハレの日、ケの昨日/ Tomorrow Will Be Special, Yesterday Was Not]] *黒 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_B) ***黒・コモン [[厄符「バッドフォーチュン」/ Bad Fortune]] [[疵符「ブロークンアミュレット」/ Broken Amulet]] [[コールドインフェルノ/ Cold Inferno]] [[まとわりつく災厄/ Crept Doom]] [[厄災降らせ/ Disasterseeder]] [[厄撒く神/ Doomsprinkler]] [[厄流し/ Exorcise]] [[河童の密告者/ Kappa Informer]] [[現人神の脅迫者/ Menacing Living God]] [[不幸の吸い取り/ Misfortune Absorb]] [[厄憑け/ Misfortune Attacher]] [[禍雛/ Misfortune Hina]] [[祟り神の罰/ Punishment of Curse God]] [[祟り神/ Scourge Noblespirit]] [[締め縄の侵略神/ Shimenawa Invador God]] [[荒ぶる祟り神/ Violent Kami of Curse]] &anchor(#MOF_U_B) ***黒・アンコモン [[人形供養/ A Doll Memorial Service]] [[厄神様のバイオリズム/ Biorhythm of Yakujin]] [[川底の流し雛/ Bottom of River Hina doll]] [[秘匿されし土着神/ Hidden Native Kami]] [[吸い寄せる者/ Misfortune Attracter]] [[創符「ペインフロー」/ Pain Flow]] [[侵略者の蛇神/ Predetor Kami]] [[神々の疵痕/ Scar of Gods]] &anchor(#MOF_R_B) ***黒・レア [[厄神様の通り道/ Dark Road]] [[運命のダークサイド/ Darkside of Destiny]] [[厄を集める者/ Doomcorector]] [[厄神、鍵山雛/ Hina Kagiyama, Noblesse Doomspirit]] [[恐怖の祟り神/ Kami of Curse Fearing]] [[悪霊「ミスフォーチュンズホイール」/ Misfortunes Wheel]] [[祟符「ミシャグジさま」/ Mishaguzi-Sama]] [[畏敬されし土着神/ Revered Native Kami]] [[天狗の暗躍者/ Tengu of Secret Maneuvers]] *赤 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_R) ***赤・コモン [[警報の白狼天狗/ Alarming White Wolf Tengu]] [[岐符「天の八衢」/ Crossroads of Heaven]] [[魔法使いの壊し屋/ Crusher of Witch]] [[滝の妖精/ Faerie of Fall]] [[疾風の一吹き/ Gale of Puff]] [[秋符「秋の空と乙女の心」/ Girl's Mind and an Autumn Sky]] [[隠匿する天狗/ Hiding Tengu]] [[神具「洩矢の鉄の輪」/ IronHoop of Moriya]] [[鴉天狗の神嫌い/ Kami Hates Karasu-Tengu]] [[鴉天狗/ Karasutengu]] [[俊敏な天狗/ Quick Tengu]] [[鴉天狗の速度/ Speed of Karasutengu]] [[風神「天狗颪」/ Tengu's Fall Wind]] [[天狗のかまいたち/ Tengu's KAMAITACHI]] [[つむじ風起こし/ Twister bringer]] [[吹き抜ける旋風/ Whirlwind Blowing]] &anchor(#MOF_U_R) ***赤・アンコモン [[偽りの屈服/ False Submission]] [[天狗の先導者/ Leader Tengu]] [[哨戒天狗/ Patrol Tengu]] [[退く警備兵/ Retreating Guard Soldier]] [[風神「二百十日」/ Storm Day]] [[紅葉団扇の暴風/ Storm of Maple Fan]] [[山の社会の天狗/ Tengu the Social of Mountain]] [[天魔の雷撃/ Thunderforce of Tenma]] &anchor(#MOF_R_R) ***赤・レア [[最も里に近い天狗、射命丸文/ Aya Shameimaru, Human Friendly Tengu]] [[中央神話の神力/ Force of Major Religion]] [[秘術「グレイソーマタージ」/ Graythaumaturgy]] [[「無双風神」/ Invincible Fujin]] [[狂いの落葉散らし/ Lunatic Fall]] [[登山の魔法使い、霧雨魔理沙/ Marisa Kirisame , the Mountaineer Witch]] [[土着神「宝永四年の赤蛙」/ Redfrog of Houei4]] [[「幻想風靡」/ Utopia Dominance]] [[風神の山守/ Wind God of Mountain Gurdian]] *緑 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_G) ***緑・コモン [[耕作/ Cultivate]] [[終焉招き/ Deathbringer]] [[落葉の秋神/ Fall god of fallen leaf]] [[薫る豊穣神/ Fragrant Kami]] [[ケロちゃん風雨に負けず/ Froggy Braves the Elements]] [[実らせの神/ Growing Kami]] [[穣り/ Harvest]] [[豊穣叶え/ Harvestgranter]] [[土着の蛙神/ Native Flog]] [[約束する豊穣神/ Promising Good Harvest God]] [[蛇神の加護/ Snake's Boon]] [[妖怪の山の自警団/ Vigilante in the Misterious Mountain]] [[蔓翳し/ Vinehanging]] [[神徳による収穫/ Virtue Harvest]] [[白狼天狗/ Whitewolf Tengu]] [[風神「風神木の葉隠れ」/ Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves]] &anchor(#MOF_U_G) ***緑・アンコモン [[アニミズム/ Animism]] [[予兆の妖精/ Faerie of Omen]] [[秋の終焉/ Falls End]] [[祟りの地の蛙神/ Flog God of Curced Ground]] [[地肥やし/ Groundfertilizer]] [[土着信仰の神/ Native Faith]] [[豊作「穀物神の約束」/ Promise of Grain NobleSpirit]] [[紅葉の象徴/ Symbol of autumn tint]] &anchor(#MOF_R_G) ***緑・レア [[秋の恵みの神/ Autumnbless Noblespirit]] [[神への信仰/ Faith for Kami]] [[山坂と湖の権化/ Incarnation of the Lake and the Hill]] [[地の稔りの神/ Kami of the Harvest of the Ground]] [[豊かさと稔りの象徴、穣子/ Minoriko, Symbol of Crop and Abundance]] [[豊符「オヲトシハーベスター」/ Owotoshi Harvester]] [[諏訪の蛇神/ Snake Kami of Suwa]] [[「諏訪大戦~土着神話vs中央神話」/ Suwa Greatwar]] [[坤を創るもの、洩矢諏訪子/ Suwako Moriya, Originater of Terrestrial]] *マルチカラー ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_M) ***マルチカラー・コモン [[土居の祟り神/ Curse of Bog Down]] [[風切る鴉天狗/ Galeburst Crow Tengu]] [[無垢な祟り神/ Innocent Scourge Noblespirit]] [[鉄器割りの神/ Ironwarebreaker Kami]] [[未踏の渓谷の河童/ Kappa in the Virgin Valley]] [[山川泳ぎの河童/ Kappa of Valley Swiming]] [[湖の分かち手/ Lake Spliter]] [[触られざる流し雛/ Untouchable Hina doll]] [[山守りの白狼/ Whitewolf of Mountain Gurdian]] [[神社守りの風乗り/ Windrider of Shrine Gurdian]] &anchor(#MOF_U_M) ***マルチカラー・アンコモン [[乾/ Celestial]] [[洪水「ウーズフラッディング」/ Flood, Ooze Flooding]] [[河童の修繕/ Kappa Tinker]] [[好戦的な神霊/ Martial Greatspirit]] [[奇跡「客星の明るすぎる夜」/ Night with Overly Bright Supernova]] [[錆び呼びの蛇神/ Snake God of Callong Rust]] [[塞符「天孫降臨」/ Spiritual Descendant]] [[河童「のびーるアーム」/ Stretch Arm]] [[坤/ Terrestrial]] [[祟り/ The Curse]] &anchor(#MOF_R_M) ***マルチカラー・レア [[妖怪の山の頭領/ Chief of Misterious Mountain]] [[滝の裏の見張り番/ Fallcovered Watcher]] [[悲運「大鐘婆の火」/ Fate , Old Lady Ohgane's Fire]] [[大いなる侵略神/ Greater Invador God]] [[下っ端哨戒天狗、犬走椛/ Momiji Inubashiri, Patrols and Guards]] [[豊作の約束/ Promise of Harvest]] [[秘術「一子相伝の弾幕」/ Secretly Inherited Bullets]] [[悲運の流し雛/ Shed Hina Doll of Misery]] [[寂しさと終焉の象徴、秋静葉/ Shizuha, Symbol of Lone and Demise]] [[土着神の頂点/ The Top of Native Kami]] [[漂溺「光り輝く水底のトラウマ」/ Trauma of Shining Underwater]] [[「風神様の神徳」/ Virtue of Wind God]] [[霊山に風が吹く/ Wind Blows to the Holy Mountain]] *アーティファクト ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_A) ***アーティファクト・コモン [[流れる雛人形/ Flowing Hina doll]] [[イリュージョンレーザー/ Illusion Laser]] [[風祝の紙垂付き棒/ Kazehouri's Shidestick]] [[穣の祭壇/ Minoriko's Altar]] [[七つの石と七つの木/ Seven Stones and Seven Trees]] [[鉄器の武具/ Weapon of Ironware]] &anchor(#MOF_U_A) ***アーティファクト・アンコモン [[創符「流刑人形」/ Doll of Exile]] [[ホーミングアミュレット/ Homing Amulet]] [[光学迷彩スーツ/ Optical Camouflage Suit]] [[天狗下駄/ Tengu Geta]] [[天狗の羽団扇/ Tengu's Featherfun]] &anchor(#MOF_R_A) ***アーティファクト・レア [[河童の動力機/ Kappa's Fluctuator]] [[お化けキューカンバー/ Monster Cucumber]] *土地 ---- &anchor(#MOF_C_L) ***土地・コモン [[御柱の墓場/ Grave of Being]] [[豊穣の地/ Ground of the Great Harvest]] [[麓の神社/ Shrine of the Mountain Roots]] [[未踏の渓谷/ Virgin Valley]] [[天狗の山の林地/ Woodland of Tengu's Mountain]] &anchor(#MOF_U_L) ***土地・アンコモン [[要塞の山/ Fortress Mountain]] [[山林の神社の本殿/ Honden of Shrine in the Woodland]] [[河童の棲み処/ Kappa's Lair]] [[雛流しの河底/ Riverbed Sinking Hina Doll]] [[守矢の神社/ Shrine of the Moriya]] &anchor(#MOF_R_L) ***土地・レア [[水眼の如き美しき源泉/ Beautiful Spring like Suiga River]] [[風神の湖/ Fujin Lake]] [[妖怪の山/ Misterious Mountain]] [[妖怪の山の麓/ Roots of the Misterious Mountain]] [[山腹の神社/ Shrine on the Mountainside]] [[神々が恋した幻想郷/ The Gensokyo The Gods Loved]] [[妖怪の樹海/ Woodland of Oriental Demons]] [[厄神様の谷川/ Yakujin's Mountain Stream]] ----

