Q.1 What's OCU Techno Club ?
We listen to, compose and play techno music and all genres of music.
Also, our activities include playing DJ/VJ.
Recently, we can use good softwares for DTM/DAW with a low price PC.
Even the amateur can do it.

Q.2 What's the techno ?
It's using electronic musical instruments.

Q.3 What's DTM・DAW ?
They're composing by digital machines.

Q.4 What's the concrete active ?
We perform live on the stage of Futabasai and Ginnansai since the establishment.
Futabasai is our university festival on Spring and Ginnansai is too on autumn.
Sometimes, we carry out the event with the other clubs.

Q.5 Can international students join in OCU Techno Club ?
Of course. There is no border in music.

Q.6 I'm interested in OCU Techno Club.
Please e-mail or contact @ocu_techno by Twitter.

最終更新:2013年04月24日 05:42