"Chinese sex toys are poisonous...?"

February 13, 2008
Anna Kitanaka

At last, experts say that the whole gyoza scandal is being exaggerated.
After 11 days of media panic on this issue, the Yomiuri Shimbun reports that most of the 2,700 reported cases of gyoza side-affects are the result of ill health that may not be linked to the methamidophos pesticide found in the dumpling. According to the article, only the original 10 cases of ill effects are confirmed to be organophosphate poisoning.

Yet, apart from the Yomiuri, the media continue to rave about the dangers of eating Chinese produce. One extreme case being an article found on the Mainichi Daily News website. Not only is this article blatantly anti-Sino, it also manages to link Chinese dumplings with China-made sex toys, warning that both are just as dangerous to your health. The article entitled: “Don't risk rubbing your gal the wrong way with second-rate sex toys from China.” The article manages to stride through a whole host of serious “facts,” from implying that Shukan Jitsuwa, a tabloid weekly magazine, is “remarkably prophetic” for suggesting that China is a health hazard to blatantly saying that (quoting a Chinese man to make it “true! Not racist!”), “If a cook finds a speck of dog poop on meat, he'll just rinse it off and serve to a customer.”
しかし、読売は別として、メディアは中国の生産物を食べることの危険性を騒ぎ続けている。ひとつの極端な例は、毎日デイリーニュースで見つけたこの記事だ。この記事は露骨に反中なだけでなく、中国製餃子と中国製の大人のオモチャを強引に結びつけ、両方とも体に害を及ぼすとしている。記事のタイトルはこうだ: 「中国から来た二流品の大人のオモチャを使って、君の彼女をなでる危険を冒すな。」この記事は、日本のタブロイド週刊誌「週刊実話」から引用して、深刻な「事実」としている。週刊実話は「驚くほど予言的」であるとして、中国はヘルス・ハザードを起こしているといい、(「これは事実!私はレイシストではない!」とアピールするため、中国人の言葉を引用している)「もしコックが肉の上に犬の糞を見つけたとしても、それをただ洗い流して客に出すだけだ」と露骨に書いている。

They even manage to slide in some truly poetic prose. Take this as an example: “To wit, damsels demanding delights through diddling with a dildo -- whether developed in Dalian or devised in Dongguan -- hazard destructive damage.”
The concept of the article is that Chinese sex toys contain poisonous substances and particularly those in the sex industry are most at risk as where “such devices are frequently put to use by lecherous customers, have been heard to moan -- and not from pleasure -- that soon after a session with a pink rotary vibrator their nether parts "became inflamed" or "began itching persistently.”
彼らはいくつか詩的な散文を記事に盛り込もうともしている。例を挙げてみよう:「つまるところ、ディルドによる擬似快楽を欲す少女は ―それが大連で開発されたのか東莞で発明されたのか否かに関わらず―深刻な被害を受ける危険を冒しているのだ」

A round of applause should definitely go to the Mainichi Shimbun and Shukan Jitsuwa’s collaboration for attempting to make Chinese sex toys a legitimate point of concern following the health fear regarding China’s frozen foods.
最終更新:2008年06月09日 21:52