

2008-06-05 23:56:10 (Thu)

D.G.Vedia, The Dreadful Deterrents to the Jain Upaasakas in the Uvaasagadasaao. in: K.R.Chandra (ed.), Seminar on Jaina Agama, Ahmedabad, 1992, pp.55-63. (←在家信者に信仰迫害をする神や夜叉についてまとめたもの)

M.D.Vasantharaj, A Comparative and Critical Note on [the] Uvaasagadasaao and [the] Ratna-kara.n.daka-;sraavakaacaara. in: K.R.Chandra (ed.), Seminar on Jaina Agama, Ahmedabad, 1992, pp.64-67. (←サマンタバドラは Uvaasagadasaao とは異なるソースに基づいて Ratna~を執筆したのだろう、というような話)

S.N.Ghosal, Women as Depicted in the Uvaasagadasaao. in: Journal of the Oriental Institute (Baroda) 32-1/2 (1982), pp.64-69.

S.N.Ghosal, The Reconversion of Saddaala-putta and the Retreat of Ma:nkhaliputta Gosaala. in: Journal of the Oriental Institute (Baroda) 31-1 (1981), pp.36-40.

S.N.Ghosal, Self-Immolation as an Expedient for Emancipation as Revealed in the Uvaasagadasaao. in: Sambodhi 7 (1978-79), pp.107-113.

S.N.Ghosal, Intimidation of the Jaina Lay Worshippers in the Uvaasagadasaao. in: Journal of the Oriental Institute (Baroda) 24-1/2 (1974), pp.105-109.

奥田 清明「原始ジャイナ教における在家の宗教生活」in:『印度学仏教学研究』14-2 (1966), pp.142-143.

最終更新:2008年06月05日 23:56